Philosophy: Compassion, Mindfulness and Heart-Centered Leadership
Horses see the world from different eyes—common things can scare them or put them off; one day they are open to learning, other days not. It is hard for us to get to a handle on what they are thinking let alone how to train them. Nothing seems constant.
Training and relationship building is not only about connection but creating an environment that considers the horse’s perspective. With Carla Webb as your guide, riders can begin to step into the hooves of horses and see the world through equine eyes.
Carla is highly effective at getting into the equine brain. With careful observation and thoughtful exercises, she experiences what your horse sees and feels, then learns the “remedy” in how to work with the presented resistance. By seeing the uniqueness and beauty of each horse Carla helps horse and rider come back into an easy flow of trust and respect.
Carla can support you in your horsemanship and bring the joy back into riding.
Coaching & Training Goals
- A deeper understanding of your horse’s perspective and how you impact the relationship
- Mindful interactions with your horse whether grooming, training or riding a trail
- Compassion with yourself and your horse in the learning process
- Being open to learning new ways to partner with horses
- Clear communication with your horse
- Positive leadership styles
Coaching, Lessons & Training
- Lessons & coaching in reining
- Lessons & coaching in relationship based horsemanship
- Horse training including reining, ground work, exercise programs & specific issues
- Clinics (at home and away)
- Group lessons & coaching (see specific programs)