Courage – Compassion – Connection
Horses are masters at modeling presence, for this is their natural state. Find the magic in the moment.
“My own personal journey with my herd of horses over many years has allowed me to design an amazing riding series that blends a variety of teachings and perspectives that benefits both horses and their people.”
– Carla Webb
The Mindful Rider©
Does this sound familiar to you?
- I’m not as confident a rider as I used to be.
- I often think “what if… something happens” when I am riding my horse.
- I sometimes question my leadership ability while with my horse.
- There are times when my horse acts up; I know better than to keep pushing but I do anyways and it goes from bad to worse.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the clinic for you.
In this experiential workshop, the first in a three part series with your horse, you will discover:
- How to be more grounded and in the present moment.
- How to let go of judgment, expectations and your inner critic.
- How to be free of an agenda, trust yourself and your horse to follow the flow.
- Learn how human emotion, ego and intention can influence each situation and the overall bond that is created.
When we spend time with our horses we either do things that build the relationship and connection or we do things to destroy it. By applying the principles of mindfulness we create a relationship and deep connection with our horses so they look forward to spending time with us. We can learn to fine tune our own awareness and body language and they will see us as a trusted partner and leader. Practicing mindfulness around our horses can carry over and influence all areas of our lives. In today’s stressful world, who wouldn’t benefit from mindfulness!
The Mindful Ride Clinic Schedule
Day One 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
(without horses)
We will gather at the farm and you will have the opportunity to meet the group you will be working with in this workshop. The focus is on grounding, breathing and being in our bodies – we want to practice mindfulness before we invite the horses to be with us. This is a relaxing and nurturing way to begin the workshop.
Day Two 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
(with horses)
This workshop has a maximum of 8 participants with a vegetarian lunch provided. The cost for participants is $197 plus HST. For the comfort and safety of participants, this clinic is limited to full participants only.
The Heart-Centered Leadership Series
- STEP1 in the series – The Mindful Rider©
- STEP 2 in the series – The Heartful Rider© – Learn more about your horses perspective of the world and how it can benefit training.
- STEP 3 in the series – The Powerful Rider© – Tune into your own internal power and be the leader you are destined to be.