Are you feeling lost?
Do you have a sense you are suppose to be doing something else with your life?
Do you suffer from anxiety and overwhelm?
You Can Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
Learn the Five simple steps to living the life you deserve.
Step 1 – Determine where you are now.
What are your skills, values and strong points?
Step 2 – Design a path or strategy that is right for you.
What do you want to see? What are your goals?
Step 3 -Identify and navigate roadblocks and challenges.
What is holding you back and how will you work through it?
Step 4 – Determine ways to help you move forward.
What actions steps will you take and how will you commit to them?
Step 5 – Celebrate
What have you accomplished and how will you continue to grow?
What is different about this program is that it is designed specifically for women AND it is solution focused. The process will move you forward toward a life and career that you want. You are in the driver’s seat of where you want to go and how you want to get there. BELIEVE that you can have, do and be all that you want.
Why Horses Make Great Partners in Personal Growth.
As prey animals, horses are very sensitive and intuitive beings that are exquisite at showing us the benefits of living in the moment. Horses have the ability to act as emotional mirrors and clear reflections of human emotion. They have a highly developed communication system based primarily on body language. Horses sense and respond to a person’s intentions, emotions, and thoughts that are conveyed subconsciously through body language. Through the experience of observing a horse’s response to their requests and directions, each person learns how to communicate more effectively, face their fears, manage their emotions, and become more consistent and congruent in their actions.
Are you Ready to take action NOW in order to….
Feel happier and more fulfilled
Celebrate your femininity
Discover your natural gifts and talents
Improve your relationships
Have a better work/life balance
Increase mental and physical health
Love your Life!
What is Life Coaching?
Life Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
Professional coaches provide an ongoing partnership designed to help clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Coaches help people improve their performances and enhance the quality of their lives.
Coaches are trained to listen, to observe, and to customize their approach to individual client needs. They seek to elicit solutions and strategies from the client; they believe the client is naturally creative and resourceful. The coach’s job is to provide support to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that the client already has.
How is Life Coaching different from Counselling and Psychotherapy?
If one compares coaching to psychology or counselling, one might say that therapy focuses on issues of healing and unresolved psychological issues of the past. Coaching on the other hand, begins with the present and assists clients in setting very clear, and specific goals that they want to achieve in the future. While the past may be discussed on occasion, it is addressed only in the context of discovering what is blocking the client from moving forward. While clients may gain insight and understanding, the focus is always on movement, taking action, and creating the future.
What is Equine Guided Development™ (EGD)?
Equine Guided Development accelerates personal growth through the power of the horse-human connection. Whether your goal is fluid horsemanship or fulfilling humanship, connecting with horses lays the ground work for meaningful relationships of all kinds.
Equine Guided Development™ is also referred to as Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), Equine Guided Coaching EGC), Equine Experiential Learning (EEL), Equine Assisted Learning (EAL), Equine Facilitated Mental Health (EFMH)
Psych-K (Psychological Kinesiology)
“Psych-K is a user-friendly way to rewrite the ‘software’ of your mind in order to change the ‘printout’ of you life.
— Robert. M. Williams, M.A. Originator of PSYCH-K®
From the official Psych-K website (
Your beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve!
As Henry Ford once said,
“If you believe you can, or if you believe you can’t… you’re right!”
Your life is a reflection of your beliefs. These beliefs – usually subconscious – are the cumulative effect of life-long “programming.” As a result of past negative programming, we sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways. PSYCH-K provides a user-friendly way to rewrite the “software” of your mind by changing beliefs that limit you into beliefs that support you… quickly and easily.
When you rewrite the “software” of your mind, you change the “printout” of your life.